There’s no doubt in any of our minds that Alys Rivers is very creepy during House of the Dragon, but is she ghost level creepy? Again, 100 per cent yes. But, some eagle eyed fans are convinced she actually is a ghost and for some reason, Daemon is the only one at Harrenhal who can see her.
If she was some form of spirit, it would make a lot of her spooky powers make more sense since she’s clearly able to enter his mind.
One of the most convincing moments that seem to suggest Alys Rivers is secretly a ghost in House of the Dragon, is when Simon Strong comes to speak with Daemon. He seems to look straight through Alys who then completely vanishes behind him, and is suddenly nowhere to be seen.
But just curious what I’m supposed to be assuming as a viewer – because I’ve been watching this thinking she’s not really there.”
He replied: “I think a healthy amount of doubt makes that much more interesting. She’s able to enter Daemon’s mind and read his mind. She’s definitely otherworldly. I’ll leave it at that.” I need some solid answers, but it looks like we’ll have to wait and see what happens with her character.